Business application or business website?

Business application or business website?

It’s a fact that today most of the users browse and surf the web throw mobile phones, so, business people in different areas of businesses around the globe understand the potential of android and IOS mobile apps to uplift their sales and attract more costumers to patronize their products.

Some companies can afford to develop website and business application to there business in order to sell their products or services, while others may choose either responsive websites or mobile app even if they know they need it to uplift their business.

It’s been proved that mobile applications are way better than traditional websites, and it made some businesses to produce their own set of mobile applications as the easiest way to connect with their clients and customers 

Moreover, there are more reasons why mobile apps are essential nowadays.


You can set features on how you connect with people that have engaged with your business according to their preferences, they can manage the engagement they got on a daily basis, tracking the level of attachment with their clients.


Emails were once used as a wide coverage for global business transactions, But some used this tool inappropriately that’s why in some point Emails lessen its effectiveness. 

With android and IOS applications you can send push notifications messages to your client phone and it will jump on their main screen. By clicking the message the relevant content will be open in the app.
The opening rate of push notifications in more than 90%.


The advantage of having a mobile app is that they can freely use mobile features like cameras, Contacts, GPS and more features that will help you engage your client the right way and in the right place.

These features can also shorten and help the client in browsing, shopping, and interaction that will make the user’s experience more interesting and exciting.


This would be the most advantage if you differentiate the responsive website versus their mobile app.

There are some features of a mobile application that can work offline.
This means that even if you don’t have internet connection you will be able to use the app. (it depends and change from app to app)


Although there are advances in web designing and mobile websites they still rely on the browsers to do certain tasks. Mobile apps don’t have these restrictions.

You can design it with a lot of functions like tap, swipe, drag, hold and more.

These designs and functions can help users perform a task easier and better. 


When your clients download an app from Google Play or Apple Store they will have your brand logo on their home page so each time they will open the phone, they will see your brand.

More than that, it’s very important to be shown and found in Google Play and Apple Store as it is important to be found in google search!


We have the best solution for your business that will let you enjoy the two worlds of having a responsive website and a mobile application with push notifications in android and apple IOS. is a platform that will convert your responsive website to an app in just a couple of clicks.
Click here and create your android and apple IOS application


About the author: nir zin
Manager at

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